Monday, July 16, 2012

Vacation rocks!

Since I keep posting about food, today I decided to post "different" things.  One of the great things about Brasil is the availability of drinking different types of fresh juice, made from the real fruit.  Pictured above is passion fruit juice and Swiss lemonade.  It was delicious!  The other picture is of a few of the many types of popsicles available... tapioca, peanut, and guave and coconut.  I tried the peanut and the tapioca, but I must say... chocolate is still the winner in ice cream for me!

Of course, I wouldn't be having half as much fun if I weren't enjoying it all with my best friend!
Praise God for giving us this vacation together!
(Pictured behind us the the "Cidade Baixa and Cidade Alta"... the lower and upper city of Salvador.)


Gláucia Mir said...

yes, please do keep trying all the unusual juice and ice cream combinations for me.
But you're a day behind on your posts!!! :)

Débora Gerbase - Português para estrangeiros said...

Muito bom desfrutar de todas essas maravilhas com vc!
Feliz dia do amigo, best friend!!!!