Sunday, December 16, 2007

My B-Day

Well, here I am, back, trying to write one more time... amazingly I made it before the end of the year!! Well, I promised I'd try to write about my birthday. So as I'm here watching the Survivor finale, and thinking about all I have to do this week before I can enjoy my vacation, I'll try to remember all that happened on my birthday... Here goes!! I can't promise I'll write again before the end of the year! I'm gonna be busy enjoying life...

Well, my birthday celebrations started on Friday already, even though my birthday fell on a Sunday this year. It started with Ms. Lupe surprising me by cooking for me. The food was delicious--she made ribs and potato salad. There was also cake, of course, and my kids singing for me. So the party at school was real nice, and then the celebration continued at night as I celebrated at Stacey's house. We got together our GiGG group, and we ordered Spanish and Chinese foods. That was amazing, even though it sounds like a weird combination. You just gotta eat it one bite at a time!! When you have roast chicken, chicharron, beef chow fun, etc, it's all good!! Anyway, the night was really a great time, and included lava cakes and a Wii tournament. Pat and Stacey had just gotten the system, so we got to really enjoy it. It was so much fun!! Well, that was Friday, although I'm already leaving out amazing gifts, phone calls received, cards, and lots of words of love...

Moving right along... So, I got home really late, of course, on Friday night. Well, if there's one thing I don't like, it's getting up early, especially on Saturdays, my day to wake up late. Well, Glaucia was sleeping over that night. So, early on Saturday morning, when there was a knock on my door, I thought that it was the boys. I ignored the knock, thinking, "Why in the world are the boys knocking in my room at this hour????" Anyway, the knocking continued, and when I kept ignoring it, all of a sudden, Débora walks in and I'm like, "Huh?" Débora is my friend who lives in Ocean City, and she was not supposed to be here!!! She just came to NYC especially to see me, and surprise me. Took a bus and all--one on Friday night and one on Sunday!! And what a surprise it was. I felt so bad, cause all I could say was "What are you doing here??" I know what a sacrifice it was for her to come, and that's why I couldn't believe it. She left early the next morning, but we got to spend that Saturday together, which was so much fun. The best thing about it was that there were no plans. It was all about just having a good time together. Those are the best times!! I still can't believe she came!!

Anyway, I must continue on to Sunday. My mom brought a cake to church, everyone sang Happy Birthday, etc. It was nice. Of course, I thought that was the end. Well, we go home, and right after we get there, all the people from church show up. My mom had invited everyone to our house for a surprise. So that was loads of fun as well. My mom and my sister had a strogonoff competition. I had told my mom that I wanted to eat either gnocchi or strogonoff for my birthday when she asked me. So my mom made gnocchi for me on Saturday, which was great, and then on Sunday, her and my sister made a crazy amount of strogonoff to feed everyone. I really had a lot of fun, and the whole weekend was great.

It's hard to describe all the feelings I felt. I mean, I guess mostly I just felt really loved, which is always a nice feeling. I was thanking God for giving me so many wonderful people in my life, who made me feel so special. Between the surprises, the presents, the food, the cards, the phone calls, the e-mails, etc... it just made my birthday one of the most special ones I've ever had. I really will never forget it. So if you were a part of that somehow, thanks.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Not a blogger

Well, once again it's been forever since I've blogged. I guess I'm just not a blogger and I gotta live with that--hahaha. I mean, so much has happened, but the people who are closest to me already know about it! Then again, I have no idea who reads this, so it can be that people who are not talking to me all the time don't know all the stuff that's gone on.
Well, the everyday stuff, and even the not-so every day stuff I guess I'd just rather tell people. I mean, it's more fun when I can share, with hand motions, and feelings and facial expressions... I guess that's just me!! Well, anyway, let's see, let me try to describe it anyway... since I've blogged, relating to work, my kids have gotten better, surprisingly enough. When we got back from Thanksgiving break they seemed to have calmed down a bit. Lots of stories there, but, I just don't feel like writing about that right now. Let's see, speaking of Thanksgiving, right before Thanksgiving, I went to Ocean City again to visit Débora. We had a great weekend there, and also we got to go to Baltimore, and we went to the Aquarium there. After that, we had a great week, cause she came to NYC with me. It was cool, because we got to hang out a lot, have lots of great conversations, lots of shopping time, lots of time to just be, and also had a lot of NYC cultural time with some new friends from church. It feels weird, cause it was like a lot of stuff was crammed into the week. But what can I say? I guess we didn't waste any time! Also, I love NYC. Once again, I just gotta say that. There's just so much to do here. I can never get enough of it! Never a dull moment!
Well, besides all that good stuff last week, yesterday I went to a cookie exchange party at Stacey's, which was a lot of fun. I had never been to one, and of course, Stacey, being the perfect hostess, made sure we all had a blast. I can't believe I baked something, since I'm not really a baker... well, it was a savory thing after all, not sweet. That's more my style. The party was full of fun things to do besides eat, which we did, believe me!!
Anyway, whatever. This whole blog probably sounds boring, cause I think I tell a much better story than I write. Of course the people who lived the moments with me know what I'm talking about... Well, now I'm looking forward to my birthday, which is coming up in a week. I can't believe it!! Time is flying!!! And of course, now that my birthday's coming up... It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
Let's see if I'll actually blog after my birthday. I'm not making any promises, but I'll try... Until next time, whenever that is...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Ah.... my kids...

Well, here we go, it's another year once again moving right along. Something strange, which I guess only if you're a teacher you can understand, but there's something that happens every year when you start a new year. It's like, after the year is over, you're so into your class, and you can't believe they're leaving, etc. Then, summer comes, and a new year starts. And for me, I loved my class last year so much. I wasn't sure I could love a class as much as that. But lo and behold, this year starts, and my class is really great again. I feel like this is my class now, and the one from last year, is now no more. I still actally see a few of them because they're in the afterschool program, but it's like, theyr'e not mine anymore. I don't love them the same way. Now I'm into MY class. I mean, don't get me wrong. These kids drive me crazy, they're so loud!!!!!!! And they need lots of discipline. But I don't know if it's because I'm with them all day long or what, but I really love those kids! It's like, a different class all day long, between morning, lunch time, and then afternoon time. But I like all aspects of it, and I gotta say, that I really love being with the kids all day, cause I get to really know them, and see them in all their different modes. The hours, I'm used to already, although I feel like doing nothing after I leave work. But for now, I'm happy to be with the kids. Every day when I go home, the kids are like, "I love you", "I"m gonna miss you", "don't go", etc, etc, etc. So that's always a good feeling... One girl today told me she missed me yesterday. I said to her, what do you mean, I saw you yesterday! You were with me all day long! Then she was like, "no, I missed you in my house". I was like, "oh, okay, but I saw you a lot!" Then she said, "I dreamed with you". I said, "oh really? What was I doing?" And she said, "You were singing." Hahhahahahha. I said to her, "as if you didn't see me enough here, you gotta see me in your dreams too!!" She was laughing. Cracked me up that kid.

Anyway, let me share a few other moments, because they were cute and I don't want to forget them. We were playing together in the gym, and one girl says to me,"Ms. Raquel, what do you want to be when you grow up?" What a cutie! I was like, "I'm grown up already, I'm a teacher, remember??" Hahaha. She was like, "Oh yeah, Ms. Raquel, I forgot, you're a teacher!" She was so funny though, like, thinking I was one of her little friends or something... Then, this same girl, today, I was eating chocolate near them at snack time. (I've been eating too much chocolate these days, I don't know why. All the getting ready for Halloween and all...) Anyway, I was eating a piece of chocolate and I said, "That's it. After this week, no more chocolates!" So this girl looks at me and says, "Why, Ms. Raquel?" And I said, "Because I don't want to get a big stomach!" So she looks at me and says, "That's right. We don't want to have a fat teacher." Hahhahhahahhaha. Thanks! What a girl. I told her, "Well, thanks, because I feel good now, cause you're telling me that I'm not fat right now..."

Oh man, these kids. It's gonna be quite a year, I"m sure of it. It's already been quite a year, and it's practically just started. All I can say is, I love being a teacher. There's just such a great feeling about it. I mean, sometimes I'm tired, worn out, etc. But there's no feeling that can match when you have a class that you just love, who you're helping to mold. It's quite a responsibility, but I'm happy for the opportunity God is giving me. I'm looking forward to the rest of the year... on most days...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sweet Moment

This past Sunday we had a picnic with our church. It was a pretty good time with everyone. We went to Tallman State Park. I brought Phoenix along with me, so he could enjoy it too, and Willik was already going somewhere else with my sister. Anyway, on the way back home, I was giving Débora's sister Mercia a ride home, and Phoenix was riding along too. Well, Phoenix was telling us some things, that were making us crack up, that his "papai" told him, but then all of a sudden, he starts saying, "Ms. Raquel, Titia" several times. Then out the blue, he says, "Titia, I love you." Oh, that was such a sweet moment. Me and Mercia looked at each other and were like, "Aw." And I told him, "I love you too, Phoenix." Then all of a sudden, he looks at me and says it again, "I love you, Titia." Anyway, I tell him again that I love him, and then I ask him, "Why do you love me, Phoenix?" And he says, "Because you rock, Titia-- you rock at school" or something like that. He was so cute. I think it was the first time he said "I love you" on his own to me, without me saying it first. Anyway, it was a real special moment, and he made me so happy! I'm so glad I get to be his teacher this year, even if only for part of the time. I think it will be a memorable year for us... Too bad I couldn't be Willik's teacher as well...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Big Move

Well, one of those "curve balls" has become a reality. I'm now gonna switch rooms with Vicky. Going back to Room B. I gotta say, I'm not really that upset, except when I think that the whole reason we had to move was because of one person, who's clueless about kids. But, that's life, I guess... gotta live with it. I honestly decided to make the switch for the whole day because I'm thinking of the kids. It's going to be much better for them if I move the entire class for the whole day, instead of just for the last couple of hours, and have to figure out all sorts of other logistics. On the plus side, it'll still only be me in the room all day, which I'm enjoying, rather than having to share a room with another teacher and class. So, tomorrow we make the move. I gotta think again now of the whole set-up of the room, where I'll put all the furniture, all my stuff, etc. And it's gonna be interesting having 23 kids in there for lunch and nap. Wow, can't wait for that! I thought I was gonna lose it the other day at lunch, and that's in a bigger room. So, if any of you out there happen to think of me during the hours of about 11:45- 12:45, say a prayer for my sanity. Only after you've tried getting 23 kids to eat, and then lie down for a nap you'll understand... I love those kids, but they wear me out during that time!!!!

Anyway, I guess we'll see how I feel about the whole thing once it has started. But honestly, there are people with bigger problems out there, so it's worthless to get too upset over something like that! Speaking of which, I was watching the special on Oprah about September 11th. I don't know why that always affects me so much. I don't cry easily, those that know me well know that, probably haven't seen me cry, even in movies, etc. But when I was watching the Oprah show, my eyes were tearing up, watching those kids talk about the parents they had lost. Two things they said stuck out to me. One of them said: "Even though it's been 6 years, it still feels like September 12th to me every day." Wow. Another lady said: "I lost half of me that day. My mother was my best friend, and I can't belive she's gone and I'll never get to see her again." On that note, I guess I'll stop blogging, cause I don't want to be too depressing. But honestly, I also can't believe it's been 6 years. Time sure does fly. I remember that day as if it was yesterday. And, like I said, those are people with real problems. So I'll suck it up, move my furniture, and worry about each day and problem as it comes. Like the Bible says, "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today." (Matthew 6:34) Amen to that!

Friday, September 7, 2007

The end of summer...

Well, believe it or not, I've started this new blog. After much prompting from my sister, and talking to Stacey about her liking blogspot or whatever this is called, I decided to move to this one. So I'll be deleting the old one, that's why I copied my last blog entry here. I figured, why not?? I had just blogged not too long ago, so I'll actually have two new posts--Wow!!!

Anyway, my summer's over, and school has begun. I went on a trip to Ocean City, MD right before school began to visit my friend Débora and the Fagers (the family she's staying with). I couldn't decide if I wanted to blog about that or about work, but I guess I'll do a little of both, and we'll get the whole thing covered...

Well, there were a lot of "firsts" on this trip, starting with the fact that I drove by myself for the first time on a long trip like this. I've gone on trips by myself before, but never driving. But, that was okay, not that bad, except for the crazy traffic on the GW Bridge on the way there. But, between listening to podcasts, music, and talking on the phone, the time passed by rather quickly. Anyway, besides that, there were several other "firsts", including riding on a jetski. That was truly amazing! I've always wanted to go on one, and I not only got to ride in the back, I also got to drive! Other than that, there were a lot of great times, between staying home, going to the pool, the beach, the boardwalk, eating out, kid's church (making a fool of myself in front of people I didn't know) and regular church, the school where Débora works--that's right--I even went to "work" before I officially started working! But while there (what a great place, btw, filled with great people), I volunteered in the Pre-K room, where I had to hold a caterpillar (another "first" for me, believe it or not), actually several caterpillars. For some reason, I had never held one. I had to do it on the spot, which was interesting, with a bunch of kids staring at me! They sure were sticky!!!

The whole time there was a lot of just plain hanging out in different places, which I just love to do... it's kind of hard to describe my experience there because so much happened! I feel like I can't really express it all. (Maybe I'm just too tired right now to do it!) We said we felt like it was much longer than it was, even though it was only like 4 days or so. It really was the perfect way to end my vacation. I loved every minute of it, I wouldn't change a single thing about it, and I guess I can't do it justice describing every moment. Some things are best kept in the heart...

Moving right along, as soon as I got back, of course, I had to go in to work. I went in on Tuesday, and the kids started on Thursday. For some reason, I agreed to work this year from 8:15 to 5:15. Actually, I did feel that it was God's will for me to do that. Yesterday, I started thinking I was crazy for agreeing to that crazy schedule!! Those kids were wild! Most of them already knew each other, and they were loud, and did not want to hear a word!! But, somehow, I survived the day, tried to be tough on them from the beginning, and sure enough, today was another day... a completely different day! The kids had improved already, I couldn't believe it! I saw a difference in several of the kids, so I'm starting to really look forward to the year. I was teling Ms. Lupe that I think we're gonna have a good year, and she was like, yeah, I think so, but the kids talk too much. Isn't it funny that my feeling was the exact opposite? I thought, it's great that we have talkers!!! I love when the kids talk a lot! (I wonder why...) Amazingly enough, they can even pronounce my name correctly, which is pretty good! I've been called all sorts of things in years past, and these kids all say my name exactly as it should be.

So, what can I say? I've been feeling that God really wants me to pray for the kids and to make a real difference. I did pray in the summer for the kids whenever I thought of them, even by name, since I knew most of them would be in my class. So, as always, God is faithful, and I'm sure that as long as I do my part, He will continue to bless me and my class. I just want to do what God wants me to do, and I want to show the kids and their families that there's a bigger reason why I teach. I want them to see Jesus reflected in me. There's been a few curve balls already thrown my way, but hopefully it will all work out... So, even though it's a crazy schedule, and they're crazy kids, and I'm a crazy teacher, I AM looking forward to another great year. God willing, it will be!!!!!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Summer 07

Well, here I am blogging again... it's been so long!! My sister and Fabio keep bothering me to blog again... Of course I guess it's pretty sad that my nephew Willik started a blog and has blogged on it more times than I have recently!! Anyway, yeah, believe it or not, Willik has a blog... if you're interested, just ask me and I'll give you the link. I can't believe the summer is almost over. My mom is worried because I keep complaining about having to go back to work. I think she just forgets that I do this every year... I hate having to wake up early!! That's what happens when your mom's your boss!!! hahaha... I have to try to remember that for future reference! Anyway, this summer has been interesting. We went to Brasil early on, so that actually feels like it was forever ago... Ironically enough, when we were there, it felt like it'd be forever til we got back... Well, Brasil is always Brasil--great food, great time with family, great people. But besides all that, it was also all about the dentist!! I got 2 of my wisdom teeth taken out. How exciting... and I spent a great deal of time in the waiting room "killing time" while I waited for my mom to get stuff done on her teeth. Can I just say thank God I had purchased the IPOD video right before going!!?? Let's see, what else? Hmmm, while there, God showed me some very interesting verses in Hebrews, which I repeated over and over again until I memorized it. Here they are: "So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised." Hebrews 10:35-36 That was intesting! I'm glad God brought those verses to my attention! Great things to look forward to!! Besides Brasil, I've just been having fun in NYC, doing some stuff around town, going out, staying home, waking up late, watching TV... all that good stuff that I love! I actually only went in one afternoon to Rainbow, which is unusual for me! Great!!! But I guess I gotta say the best part of my summer this year was that I gained a new friend. Funny thing, I know. But true. God is amazing, and He worked it out just perfectly! I love God's little surprises! He has so much stored up for us, things we can't even imagine! If you're thinking I'm crazy (who knows if anyone even reads these blogs, but whatever...) then you just don't understad the value of a great friend! Cause for me, becoming friends with Débora has been one of the best parts of my summer. She's become one of my best friends, and I know I've gained a true friend for life. How could you top that?? So I guess I'll have many memories of summer 07, and thanks to God, a lot of them will just be time spent with a great friend! Without her, I know I wouldn't have had as much fun as I've had since June!!

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Let's see if this will work...