Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It was bound to happen...

Well, it finally happened... I lost my voice. I figured it would happen before the school year was over. I just found it ironic that it had to happen when I wasn't even with the kids!!! I think my voice missed talking to the kids this past week, and that's why I lost it--hahaha. Because of lack of use! Actually, I guess it was the weather change that got me...
The kids were so cute, as usual, though, when I went in yesterday. I got all sorts of great comments from them such as:
  • "You're gonna talk different now, Ms. Raquel?"
  • "You have to drink water so your voice will come back..."
  • "You sound like a man now..."
  • "We're gonna take care of you so that you can be better."
All that was great... except for when they weren't listening later, and made me "yell" (yeah right!) at them at nap time. I wanted to laugh as I was "yelling" because I sounded crazy. Oh well... I think that made me worse!!! So, today I'm home. If I'm there, I just can't not use my voice. A teacher without her voice is just useless!!! Especially for the preK class. It's just too much!!!
Anyway, I have to find a way of being productive here at home now. Let's see if I can work on my slide show for the end of the year. Maybe God is giving me this opportunity to really move forward with that!! I just don't want to get sick. I need my voice back!!! I talked to Ms. Lupe for a bit on the phone today and she said to me, "You must really be suffering. I know you love to talk." Hahaha... she's got it right! God knows this is pretty much one of the only ways to get me to shut up!! And even with no voice, it's difficult!!!!!