Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Parking Meter & Other Nonsense

Well, for all who know me well, and have been to my house, you know I've had that parking meter in my room for some time, filling it with coins... well, now it's pretty full, and I decided I'm gonna count it... who wants to guess how much is there?? Maybe there will be a prize for whoever is the closest guess... but the prize will not be the cash, sorry!!! That will be for my camera!!!
Anyway, today was the last day of school. It was my last day with those kids. I can't say I feel any different, but I think it's because it hasn't hit me yet. Wow! No more Class B this year, no more 8 to 5 schedule... whatever will I do with my time???? Hahaha... I'm sure I'll find something... sleep=first priority!! I'm really gonna miss some of those kids, and notice I said some!!! For one thing, I'll miss all that talking and all that lovin'...
I AM looking forward to my summer though. As a matter of fact, I can't wait!!