Wednesday, July 23, 2008

You Can't Make This Stuff Up...

You know, it's funny. I would like to understand why certain things happen to me that just don't seem possible or likely...

So, I'm about to carry a plate to the living room. I'm trying to balance a fork and a knife on top of the plate (it's a dessert plate, and I have part of a cinnabon on it)... anyway, I have that on one hand, and a little mug with coffee on the other. Well, as I'm about to walk to the living room, the fork falls out of the plate. My mom says to me, did it fall on you? And I say, yes, look at my big toe--there's icing on it. But, I also felt pain. Not only did the fork fall right on me, it fell in a way that it stabbed me on the big toe. So I clean the icing off, and then I notice that there's blood coming out. Does that seem possible?? A fork falls from my plate--it goes on my foot, and stabs me enough that there's blood gushing out... so I had to put a band-aid on it, after wiping it a couple of times and putting some Brazilian medicine on it. But I just don't get it... why? Why?? Does that kind of stuff just happen to me??

I guess it's a good thing I like band-aids!!