Thursday, September 13, 2007

Big Move

Well, one of those "curve balls" has become a reality. I'm now gonna switch rooms with Vicky. Going back to Room B. I gotta say, I'm not really that upset, except when I think that the whole reason we had to move was because of one person, who's clueless about kids. But, that's life, I guess... gotta live with it. I honestly decided to make the switch for the whole day because I'm thinking of the kids. It's going to be much better for them if I move the entire class for the whole day, instead of just for the last couple of hours, and have to figure out all sorts of other logistics. On the plus side, it'll still only be me in the room all day, which I'm enjoying, rather than having to share a room with another teacher and class. So, tomorrow we make the move. I gotta think again now of the whole set-up of the room, where I'll put all the furniture, all my stuff, etc. And it's gonna be interesting having 23 kids in there for lunch and nap. Wow, can't wait for that! I thought I was gonna lose it the other day at lunch, and that's in a bigger room. So, if any of you out there happen to think of me during the hours of about 11:45- 12:45, say a prayer for my sanity. Only after you've tried getting 23 kids to eat, and then lie down for a nap you'll understand... I love those kids, but they wear me out during that time!!!!

Anyway, I guess we'll see how I feel about the whole thing once it has started. But honestly, there are people with bigger problems out there, so it's worthless to get too upset over something like that! Speaking of which, I was watching the special on Oprah about September 11th. I don't know why that always affects me so much. I don't cry easily, those that know me well know that, probably haven't seen me cry, even in movies, etc. But when I was watching the Oprah show, my eyes were tearing up, watching those kids talk about the parents they had lost. Two things they said stuck out to me. One of them said: "Even though it's been 6 years, it still feels like September 12th to me every day." Wow. Another lady said: "I lost half of me that day. My mother was my best friend, and I can't belive she's gone and I'll never get to see her again." On that note, I guess I'll stop blogging, cause I don't want to be too depressing. But honestly, I also can't believe it's been 6 years. Time sure does fly. I remember that day as if it was yesterday. And, like I said, those are people with real problems. So I'll suck it up, move my furniture, and worry about each day and problem as it comes. Like the Bible says, "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today." (Matthew 6:34) Amen to that!


Gláucia Mir said...

yeah, your furniture is looking a little crowded in that smaller room, but I'm glad that you're not too upset. I think I was more annoyed than you!

Anonymous said...

Your room looks great now! You are a wonderful teacher! I thank God for having you on my staff. God bless you always. Lots of love!