Saturday, March 8, 2008

If they're not vacuums, what are they then??

It's been a while since I've blogged. And Fab, no, I don't think they are a vacuum anymore... I've been meaning to post for a while already, but never did get around to it. Well, now my parents are in Brasil, I'm over a stomach virus, it's Saturday afternoon, it's raining outside, the boys are here next to me watching some weird cartoon thing, Glaucia's cooking in the kitchen... I think I've finished most of my errands and chores for the day, so here I go...

Well, let's see. A friend of mine asked me, "If your kids are not a vacuum anymore, what are they?" And I answered, almost without thinking, "They are leeches!" I'm serious! Can you believe it?? Actually, it's funny to think about how my year has gone. I started out not really happy with this class, missing my old one. That feeling sort of continued as the year went on... (Hey, what can I say?? I had a great class last year!!!) But now I can honestly say I really love these kids! Not only that. I love the class as a whole! I love the different combinations, I love being there with them at all times of the day, for all sorts of meals, for nap and all that. I mean, don't get me wrong--I still "hate" that time. But at the same time, it's an important time to be there for them, and I'm happy to experience that with them. Maybe the reason I'm loving them IS because I'm spending most of my time with them, who knows????
But, the reason (I think) I said that they have have become leeches is in the sense that they just have become sort of "obsessed" with me. I mean that in sort of a good way!? Let me try to explain. Well, I have this one little girl who tells me at least 2 or 3 times minimum that I'm her favorite person. She started with this a while ago, I don't remember the exact day. Well, she's not quiet about it--she says it nice and loud, and in front of anyone. She doesn't care. She says it even when she gets in trouble. This doesn't even include her telling me she wants me to live with her, visit her, sit next to her, etc., or asking about me when I leave the room for a second, when I'm absent, etc. Anyway, some time after she started saying that, several other kids have started up with that as well. Except, they say "You're my favorite teacher" or things of the like. I gotta say, it's a nice feeling most of the time, except when I feel sort of bad for Ms. Lupe or Anna, who they don't say that to. Oh well, what can I do, right? I think it's just from being with me all day long--I mean who wouldn't love me??? Hahahaha... I'm just kidding.
These kids have really won over my heart. I say they are leeches because they still require a lot of my energy. I guess with love comes responsibility, right? I actually love "hanging around" with the kids. This is the beauty of pre-k. This is why I'm a pre-k teacher, and I love what I do. It's a great feeling... I don't mind the kids loving me, wanting to hug me, wanting to talk to me, wanting me to pay attention to everything they're doing or saying, etc, but there are some kids who don't know limits. I don't like when they become hogs... not wanting to "share" me or my attention with anyone else, or when they just become mean to someone else because they want me to only play with, or look at or listen to them. As long as they are leeches who don't mind other leeches around, it's okay. Other than that, it really is a nice feeling to know that these kids have finally become "my class." I really feel that they are right now. I've broken them down--it only took what--6 months??? Better late than never, I guess. Now I've started looking forward to graduation, and I think I'm even beginning to think that I'm gonna miss these "little leeches"--go figure?!!!!


Anonymous said...

From vacuums to leeches. At least they are leeches that love you. You're right, who wouldn't love you?? :)

Great update. I was laughing at your descriptions of the kids all saying that you're their favorite teacher.
So, it only took 6 months this year. How long's it gonna take next year? Maybe only 9 months!

Gláucia Mir said...

Too bad Phoenix doesn't get you all day. He misses out on all the loving and leeching! :)

Stacey said...

EEK! LEECHES? How about "love bugs?" A little less slimy sounding! Glad to hear you're loving the kids, and even more glad that you turned those kiddies around! I knew you'd do it, you just have that way! Go Pre-K teachers! Yay!

Anonymous said...

It is so good to enjoy the best of your students. I knew it was going to happen.
You will never forget them and they will never forget you. Believe me!