Friday, July 27, 2012

"Bread Delicious"

Well, time keeps passing by, and I haven't had a chance to blog... 
I've still been eating, however... haha, as if there was any doubt.  
Today's picture is of a type of bread that I had never eaten before.  It's Debinha's favorite type.  It's called "Pão Delícia", or "Bread Delicious".  She told me that it has to be cooked on a double boiler, that's how it keeps its very light color.  The top has parmesan cheese on it.  
There is more than one type--either plain or with cream inside of it.  
The one in the picture is plain, and it is DELICIOUS, just like its name!
Stay tuned, because tomorrow I will try to post about something I ate that I had been dying to try, that I didn't like... yes, believe it or not, there was something I ate that was not good... 
at least I didn't like it. 


Débora Gerbase - Português para estrangeiros said...

I really love this bread!!!!!!

amgmontavon said...

Only by reading these posts I already gained a few pounds *.*

PS: never heard about this bread... I think

Gláucia Mir said...

sounds delicious. After all, what could go wrong with dough and parmesan cheese... :)