Sunday, February 1, 2009

A New Experience

Well, once again, it's been forever since I've blogged. I was looking at some of my past blogs, and what can I say?? This year my kids have not been as exciting... definitely no leeches this year. I barely get a hug, maybe. Go figure... different personalities, I guess!! Anyway, that's okay. For the most part, they're not driving me insane, at least. Not perfect kids, but they're okay. The parents at least seem to read the newsletters, etc. So, that's a plus...

Anyway, since my kids are not that exciting, I figured I'd write about something else. I missed all the holidays, my birthday... usually things I post about. Oh well. The exciting thing that is going on right now is that I'm reading the entire Bible in a year. Our church is doing it as a project, and it's been an amazing experience. We started with the New Testament, and we're reading the Old Testament now. This week we finish Exodus, and start Leviticus. We started in October, I believe. It's definitely been a growing experience for me. For one thing, I've started reading the Bible every day during my break at work. I find that my head is much clearer in that time than at night, when I used to read it. I can really focus, etc. Another fun thing has been to talk to others about what we've read. Me and my best friend have had several discussions on what we were reading, discussing what we thought, what it meant, etc. Also, in our Sunday School class and during the service, we've had opportunities to share things we learned, what we were experiencing, etc. I must admit, there were a few parts which were harder than others to read. And I know we still have a long way to go. But one thing I'm sure of is that God is definitely speaking to me through this experience, and I'm sure it's one I'll remember for the rest of my life!! Thank God He's real. He's always speaking to me. I can't wait to hear what else He wants to tell me and teach me. I'm looking forward to it!! Thank God we started this project!


amgmontavon said...


Ela atualizou!!!!! Continua, continua, continua kkkkkk Já tá como link de favoritos no meu, viu???

Anonymous said...

I've often seen those "read the Bible in a year" schedules and never really followed them. It sounds like it's a great thing to do as a group to talk about it. What better Bible study material than the Bible itself??

I also like your idea about reading during your break in the day. It's just too easy to fall asleep reading at night.

And... It's great to see you back in the blogging world! It's been quite some time. Now I better get back to writing, too.

Gláucia Mir said...

hey! You wrote! Congratulations!
Good job on reading the bible thru! It's a fun project, but even funner to have others to discuss it with, in my opinion.
I've been having my quiet times in the morning, and I'm enjoying that too. I never could focus, especially with the kids, once night falls. My brain is just done. Anyway, blog more often, otherwise we won't be back! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm still reading.

Anonymous said...

I seldom leave comments on blog, but I have been to this post which was recommended by my friend, lots of valuable details, thanks again.